LAB EXERCISE 10:  Loan Qualifier

Goal: In this exercise, you will learn how to:
1. Insert the Main Method (Main Entry Point to the Java Program)
2   Import a Java Class Library
3.  Declare Variables
4.  Create a Constructor (Special Method)
5.  Create a Method and accept arguments
6.  Create an Object from the Class
7.  Use Nested If-Then-Else statements
9.  Use Relational and Logical Operators to test a condition and execute code
8.  Call a Method and pass arguments

Program Specifications:
Description: This program checks to see whether a bank customer qualifies for a special loan.  The customer must meet one of the following qualifications.

1.  Earns more than $30,000 per year and have worked in his or her current job for more than 2 years

2.  Have worked at his or her current job for more than 5 years

Use a nested If-Then-Else statement to check the condition and execute code to display the corresponding message on the screen.

A.  Pre-requisites:
1. Create a folder on your desktop Exercise-10

2. Launch Java EE- Eclipse
Note:  You will need to use the Java Perspective Workbench for this exercise

3. Setup your Eclipse Workspace to point to the Exercise-10 folder
a. Select File-> Switch Workspace
b. Browse and select your Exercie-10 folder as your Workspace.

B. Requirements:

1.  Create a Java Project and name it as LoanQualifier

2.  Create the first Class that will have the Main Method

a.       Name the Class as MainApp

b.       Choose the main method to insert into the class


3.  Create the second Class that will have the Constructor and Methods

a.      Name the Class as Loan

b.      Do not select the main method stub


C. Requirements for the Loan Class:

1.  Insert the import java.util.Scanner class which will allow data to be inputted from the console.


2.  a. Declare the variable- annualSalary using the double data type
b. Declare the variable- yearsOnJob using the integer data type
c. Declare the msgLoanApplicant using the String data type

3.  Create the Constructor (special method) called Loan() that will prompt the user to input the data

a.  Declare the scanner input class objects

b.  Prompt the user to input the data.  

c.   Assign the inputted data to the variable

d.  Close the scanner input class object
Below is the code you can copy and paste

// declare the scanner object used to input the customer salary from the console
Scanner inputSalary = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter Customer's Annual Salary: $");
annualSalary = inputSalary.nextDouble();

// declare the scanner object used to input the years from the console
Scanner inputYear = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter number of years Customer is at Current Job: ");
yearsOnJob= inputYear.nextInt();                

// close scanner input objects


4.  Create the Method called  getApplicantMessage with a return data type of String

a.  This method should accept the argument parameters (double salary, int years)

b.  Use a nested if-then-else statement to test the following conditions.  If one of this condition is met
1.  Earns more than $30,000 per year and have worked in his or her current job for more than 2 years
2.  Have worked at his or her current job for more than 5 years

If one of this condition is met, display the message- “The customer qualifies for the loan”
If either one is not met, display the message- “The customer does not qualify for the loan”


































D. Requirements for the MainApp Class:

1.  Add comments (documentation)– Program Description, Author and Date

2.  Create the instance of object called customer from the Loan class

3.  a. Declare salary variable as double and assign the value from the customer.annualSalary object’s variable
b. Declare years variable as integer and assign the value from the customer.yearsOnJob object’s variable

4.  Declare the loanMessage variable as a String and assign the return value from the called object method - customer.getApplicantMessage(salary, years).  Pass the salary and years values as arguments.

5.  Display the returned result on the console.  Below is the code you can copy and paste.

// display the loan message output on the console






















E.  Test:  

1.   Save your Java code

2.   Compile and run your Java program.

3.   Verify there is no syntax, logical or run-time errors.

4.   Use the following set of test data to determine if the application is calculating properly:

Annual Salary          Years on the Job             Loan Applicant Message
30000                      4                                      The customer does not qualify for the loan
35000                      3                                      The customer qualifies for the loan

25000                      3                                      The customer does not qualify for the loan

29000                      10                                    The customer qualifies for the loan



F. Submit your exercise in the Canvas Lab Exercise #10 Drop Box.

1. Submit the screen shot of the Eclipse Workbench window showing the Console output screen.
You can use Paint (save as JPG) or Word to paste the screenshot.

2. Zip up and submit the compressed LoanQualifier subfolder that is in the Exercise-10 folder.
NOTE: Right click on the
subfolder and select Send to “Compress Folder”.  The file will have a file extension of .zip.